I’m so excited to be making this blog post recapping my week at Creative At Heart! It’s still surreal that I got to go. It’s a big investment and this year my parents gifted me with most of the conference as a graduation gift😭 I don’t deserve them.
I knew I needed to go this year to fulfill my dream of going full time one day with photography. After Ryan picked me up from the airport to go home, I couldn’t hold my years back anymore. I started balling in the car silently praying to the Lord thanking Him for blessing me with the finances, the travel means, good health and amazing roommates to make this week more than I ever dreamed it would be.
So without further ado, here’s my recap of Creative At Heart Round 9!✨❤️
I didn’t even have a suitcase one day before I left! #procrastinator Thankful for my sweet friend, Caitlin who let me borrow hers! Also, I have EXTREME flight anxiety and being on a plane alone fueled that fire oh my goodness. How do you deal with flight anxiety?
Ready for Day 1!
This venue was STUNNING. Winmock, thank you for housing us. I really enjoyed this place!
It’s safe to say when I saw Hope Taylor on the first day, I fan-girled. I’ve been following her since sophomore year of high school. She was one of the very few high school wedding photographers I could look up to and relate to. She is even sweeter in person and I loved learning all about personal marketing from her breakout session!
We Love Our Sponsors was made by my roommate, Abby from Blair Made!
“Here’s to the Creatives” sign by Blair Made!
Roomies all set and ready to go for day 3!
Lara Casey gifted us with PowerSheets!
I also fan-girled when I got to meet Katelyn James for the first time! I learned SO much from her. She’s truly an inspiration for all mothers and lady bosses all over.
When you are still so nervous around Hope that you forget how to pose for a photo😆 Like, Justine… what are you doing with your arm? Oh well.
Had to meet Lara and thank her for the generous gift of PowerSheets!
Loved getting to talk all things video and equipment with Tyler Herrinton!! Thank you for the incredible recap of the conference!
I loved getting to spend a large chunk of the night talking with Ashley Herrinton. I’ve been following her on Instagram for a while now looking up to her and her husband, Tyler for all things video! We talked about wedding videography of course but even had a heart-to-heart at the end of the night! She’s a sweet soul.
Thankful to Kat for creating this conference!!😍
Day 4
Thankful for Katelyn sharing her story and inspiring us to find our passion and understand our purpose!